
  • О. Я. Поліщук Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка


literary anthropology, text, person, cultural studies, humanistic subject experience, anthropological perspective in the study of literature.


Literary Anthropology offers a new way of interpreting a literary text, the basis of which is the recognition of the subjective, humanistic element. Regarding literature as a product of human creativity, this approach rethinks the very concept of the text, and also leads to a revision of the traditional interpretations of literature. However, Literary Anthropology can postulate a new view, not only in the literature studies. It modifies the format of contemporary culturology, restoring its lost credibility
in recent years. This is a reason for researching interdisciplinary perspective of anthropological significance in literary criticism.


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How to Cite

Поліщук, О. Я. (2014). ЛІТЕРАТУРНА АНТРОПОЛОГІЯ ЯК АКТУАЛЬНА НАУКОВА ПРОПОЗИЦІЯ. Studia Philologica, (1). Retrieved from https://studiap.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/64



Literary studies