conflict discourse, interpersonal conflict, communicative competence, social relationships.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the linguistic peculiarities of conflict talk in Modern English fiction. Conflict discourse is seen as a type of verbal behaviour which has its specific model of development in speech. The paper one of the situational types of interpersonal conflict discourse – family conflict and looks into the pragmalinguistic mechanism of its unfolding in fiction. The authors of the article believe that the writer is a speaker who uses his / her own communicative competence when verbalizing contradiction of the fictional heroes. Similarly, the reader is an interpreter who uses these skills when interpreting the contradictory interaction of the fictional characters. The results of the research work can be used for the elaboration of language strategies and tactics which will enable speakers to carry out a productive exchange of opposing opinions in real-life speech events and avoid disruptive and hostile social relationships.Downloads
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