Adverb as an obligatory component of the functional-semantic field of temporality


  • А. В. Грачова Маріупольський державний університет



The proposed theoretical study is a complex analysis of specialized concepts, devoted to the problem of qualification of the temporal functional-semantic field, as well as to the determination of specifics of realization of the adverbial part-of-speech component in this language association. The purpose orientation of the author of the work is to carry out a thorough scientifically weighted review of the heterogeneous differential features of such ambiguous linguistic notion as temporality. The more detailed explanation of the compositional and role aspects of figuring is subjected to such universal language institution, as functionally-semantic field of temporality. The particular attention is paid to the deep characterization of the constituent and content amount of the adverbial lexeme group, nominated as an integral figurant of the mentioned field totality.

The result of a thorough analysis of the peculiarity of the functioning of the temporal adverb in the structure of the corresponding linguistic integrity is the ascertaining of several determinant facts, united by the outlined problem. In particular, there is postulated the two-component construction of the temporal functionalsemantic association, constituted by semantic fundamental principle with a clearly defined thematic specialization and by the formal means of actualization of the semantic basis. It is found that in the structure of a hierarchically arranged by the principle of nuclear-peripheral transition monocentric temporal field integrity the central structural positions are occupied by a verbal paradigmatic complex which is the medium of the general deictic time significance. In contrast to this cardinal indicator of temporal relations, lexical concretizers are localized in more distant (peripheral) fragments of the outlined linguistic association, but the underestimation of their functional-semantic status seems completely unfair. The role of lexical markers of time is qualified as “informative expansion”, namely: the detalization of the general time plan expressed by the morphological representatives. The adverbial means of indicating the time parameters of action is nominated as a specific by semantical, grammatical and functional features autonomous part-of-speech figurant of the temporal field. It is emphasized that this abstract by temporal content nuance heterogeneous wordy group is vested with the potency for clarification and tendentious modification of the natural significance of the verb form within a concrete temporal microfield.

The realized work has allowed the author to demonstrate the peculiarity of conceptually diverse authors’ interpretive mechanisms focused on the analysis of the adverbial lexeme category in the functional plane of its figuring, as well as to determine the undoubted perspective of the study of adverbial issues.


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How to Cite

Грачова, А. В. (2019). Adverb as an obligatory component of the functional-semantic field of temporality. Studia Philologica, (1), 59–65.


