
  • A.V. Botsman

Ключові слова:

modal verb, periphrastic construction, quasi-auxiliary status, English and Dutch.


The article deals with the peculiarities of modal verbs and periphrastic constructions in modern English
and Dutch. The status of these verb groups was determined, and the most recognative features of them
were singled out and described. The semantic aspects of these groups were observed in close comparison
of English and Dutch. Distinct criteria for the classif cation of modals, auxiliaries and periphrastics
were set out. Comparison of similarity and dif erence was based on the belonging of English and Dutch
to the West subgroup of the Germanic languages.


Дані завантаження ще не доступні.


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Переглядів анотації: 156



Як цитувати

Botsman, A. (2016). MODAL OPERATORS IN MODERN ENGLISH AND DUTCH. Studia Philologica, (2). вилучено із


